How Do You Make Life Choices?

Go Deeper than the Tip of the Iceberg
To truly understand and appreciate your challenges and your dreams, you must see beneath what only shows on the surface.
The greatest part of who we are and what our potential offers us is not always evident. You must go deeper, below the surface, to discover your true feelings, desires, and capabilities. Like an iceberg, the greatest part of who you are and what you have to offer does not readily reveal itself unless you choose to look deeper within.
So often, we make choices with a fraction of the information we have available to us. Such choices become the basis of future decisions, and we may later find that we failed to adequately consider the depth of our true abilities and options. This can lead to a very unfortunate predicament that is often not easily fixed.
When faced with challenges or when deciding to pursue a goal, it is the wise choice to thoroughly consider as many factors as possible before taking action --- especially when future decisions, and results, will be based on the action you take. As in this iceberg metaphor, it is important to realize that what you readily see when making choices is usually only the tip of the iceberg. Go deeper, below the surface, to capture all the information that is available to you when making important choices.
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Photo composite by Ralph Clevenger
Labels: actions = results, choice of thought, clarity, goals, insight, perspective, realize expectations
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