Monday, April 03, 2006

Focus On What You Want -- Visualize

Develop the Art of Visualization

"The world is a looking glass. It gives back to every man
a true reflection of his own thoughts."
- Thackery, English novelist

Once you begin to practice the art of truly visualizing the successful attainment of your goals, you will begin to understand the positive impact of this process. Begin by giving free-rein to your imagination. As best you can, set aside your inhibitions as you infuse your creativity. In time, you will become skilled at visualizing the achievement of your desired outcome.

Each day and/or evening set aside dedicated time to picture, fantasize, and visualize your goals as if they had already been accomplished. This step is very important --- be consistent in this practice. Try to see things as you want them to be, instead of as they are. Close your eyes and project clear mental pictures. Visualize your appearance and actions just as they would be if your goals had already been attained.

For example, you may want to imagine yourself sitting in a theater; and while looking at the movie screen, see yourself successfully accomplishing your desires. Focus your attention on the details of your accomplished results. When you repeatedly form a clear picture of your future, you will soon find ways and means to bring it into reality.

At first, don't be concerned about how you are going to do it, just focus on what you want to do. Your inspiration for how you will achieve your goal and the self-motivation for forging ahead will surface naturally. Your vivid imagination will lead to desire, and that will lead to action and belief --- and ultimately creating circumstances and opportunities which you may seize to produce the results you want.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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