Do You Believe That You Are Capable?

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal. -- Thomas Jefferson
To achieve the success you envision, you must believe that you are capable of making it happen. For some people, this deep-seated belief comes quite naturally. However, for many of us we question our ability to ultimately succeed at accomplishing our dreams. Often, it is because we have allowed ourselves to absorb repeated negative comments over the years, or perhaps we didn't receive a sufficent dose of positive reinforcement in our youth. There are a variety possible reasons as to why we question that we can't or won't follow through with a desired objective.
If you are one who needs to regroup and begin the process of taking back control of your outlook toward positive outcomes, the good news is that it is entirely possible. The bad news is that successful achievements simply won't happen unless you believe they are possible and make the commitment to passionately pursue your goals.
It may take awhile to condition yourself to develop a pattern of authentic positive expectancy, but it is most likely easier than you imagine. Once you accept that the brain reponds to what it is conditioned to expect, then the process begins to make sense. For example, if one is conditioned to expect failure, one can also be conditioned to expect successful results.
Thomas Jefferson was right on target when he stated that "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal." Over time, he conditioned his mind to expect positive outcomes. Mr. Jefferson developed an attitude of thought that attracted positive results, people, and circumstances that supported the fulfillment of his goals. He nurtured self-belief and self-confidence. Developing "the right mental attitude" for successful outcomes is possible for each of us.
If the concept of truly believing that you are capable of achieving a major goal is a bit overwhelming, then begin with a smaller, more manageable objective and progress to a larger goal. Remember, each of us had to crawl before we could walk. Allow yourself the opportunity to develop a pattern of positive expectancy. With time, your mind will be conditioned to support you as if you have the wind at your back.
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Labels: choice of thought, goals, mental attitude, nourish the mind, positive expectancy, positive outcome, proactive, success-minded thinking
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