Do You Have Obvious Signs of Procastination?

You May Be A Procrastinator
Putting off tasks, avoiding the inevitable, or chronic laziness may be obvious signs of procrastination. But, while this behavior may seem to be a simple concept, it can actually be the result of some complex issues.
When not properly addressed, procrastination has the potential to negatively impact many areas of one's life. This behavior can play havoc with emotions, attitudes, health, and a general outlook of daily living --- not to mention the psychological concerns that can operate below the radar.
Experiencing periodic procrastination is to be expected in life and those temporary lapses usually are soon recognized and addressed. However, when life seems like it is almost coming to a halt and goals are not nearly being accomplished, then it is time to take serious stock of the situation and figure out how to get the wheels moving again.
You may be a procrastinator if you experience 2 or more of the following behaviors:
- Put necessary work aside to do more enjoyable things.
- Frequently evade decisions.
- Feel overwhelmed, not knowing where to begin.
- Duck new experiences because change is difficult.
- Carefully map out projects but rarely see them through.
- Fault others when things don't go as planned.
- Feel ill when you're confronted with an undesirable task.
- Remain in a job when you are unhappy for fear of making a move.
- Avoid confrontation at any cost.
If procrastination is negatively altering your life, it may be time to discuss solutions to your situation. Often, short term personal coaching can dramatically help to turn things around. Visit Coaching Confidential for insight on this topic.
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Is procrastination interfering with your life, work, or both?
Labels: accepting responsibility, action-focused, life management, mental attitude, proactive, procrastination
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