How Much Time Are You Willing to Waste?

Do you manage your time
or waste it little by little?
If you find yourself thinking you don't have enough time to finish what must be done, much less time to relax, perhaps you are over due for a time evaluation. I know, if you don't have enough time now, you certainly don't have time to do an evaluation of your time. It's ironic, but that is precisely when you need to take stock of your time management.
Most of us have very little concept of just how much time we fritter away. For instance, take a quick survey of how much time during the average week that you watch TV, surf the internet, or any other time-consuming activity that doesn't directly help you accomplish your most desired goals.
Let's take an example like the time used to watch favorite television shows or DVDs. Say you watch 3 one-hour shows each evening Monday through Friday, and over the weekend you view 3 to 6 hours of sports, a DVD, or some other entertaining show. That right there would consume 18 to 21 hours each week --- and that is a significant amount of time. And then you could consider other activities that don't directly contribute to successfully achieving the things you really would like to accomplish.
If you are really serious about evaluating your time to see where it all goes, consider this exercise. Track your time each day for a week in 30 or 60-minute increments. To do this right, you will have to commit to documenting your activities. Carry a small notepad, or use your latest handheld computer device, and honestly note what you do. The honest part can sometimes be the tricky element, as you will certainly surprise yourself along the way. You may find it hard to admit just how much time is lost. It is just human nature to bounce from one activity to another without a lot of thought. Of course, we all have unexpected, but important things come up that require attention --- mark those down as necessary tasks.
If you adhere to this time evaluation excercise for just one typical week, you will then know how you are realistically spending your waking hours. You will have a new perspective about time priorities. With this knowledge in hand, you can now plan how you want to more productively use your future time --- for greater efficiency, more successful results of your goals, and even how you want to respond to the unexpected.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC , Copyright - all rights reserved
If time managment is a task you want to master for achieving more personal and career success, visit Coaching Confidential. Time is a very precious commodity, spend it wisely and you will profit well.
Labels: accelerate success, action-focused, establish purpose, life skills, optimized endeavor, proactive, strategies, time saver
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