Is Your Mind Arranged for Happiness?

You Decide On Ahead of Time"
So often people allow others to determine their outlook, or circumstances to dictate their perception of life. We make choices throughout each day of our lives and those choices can be our own or we can turn that power over to other elements, including the weather.
If you stop to think about the decisions you make and how they impact your happiness, wouldn't it be best to own those choices and act upon your life with actions that bring you happiness -- rather than chaos, indecision, or negative thinking?
When you throw a pebble in a pond you see a ripple effect moving outward. That is precisely what occurs in your life whether you decide to be happy or unhappy. It is a choice, and it should be a conscious choice. When the ripple effect is filled with a postive outlook and good intentions, the impact can be enormously empowering for you as well as those around you. The alternative usually limits possibilities and puts a real damper on ones outlook of life. Which choice would you prefer?
Is your mind arranged for happiness?
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Labels: mental attitude, nourish the mind, positive expectancy, positive self-talk, quality of life, success-minded thinking
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