Well-Constructed Affirmations Accelerate Success

Repeated Affirmations Support Action
... imagine a personal advocate whispering positive support ---
even when you're not aware of it.
Once you become clear about a goal you want to accomplish and consistently keep focused on it, how to achieve it will keep surfacing. One effective method to implement and support the process is through the use of affirmations.
An affirmation is a statement that describes a goal in its already completed state. The purpose of the affirmation is to repeatedly tap into the subconscious mind for eventual positive and sustained change to achieve one's goal. Examples of an affirmation are: "I am confident and proud after receiving my promotion in only 5 months or better," or "I am celebrating the completion my 4-year degree in only 3 years," or "I am feeling the sun and wind on my face while riding my new silver Harley," or "I am enthusiastically and effectively communicating with an audience of 100 people or more."
Some key components of a well-stated affirmation include:
Make affirmations only for yourself --- this is only about you and your completed desire.
Begin with "I am" --- the subconscious mind interprets these words as a directive to make the statement happen.
State the affirmation postively and in the present tense --- omit any negative reference such as "no" or "don't," and describe as already achieved.
Be specific and brief --- nonspecific words produce vague results, and edit so each word is important and easy to remember.
Incorporate an "ing" action word(s) --- it emphasizes active power and a vision of accomplishment.
Include a word(s) expressing emotion or feeling --- emotionally, how would you be feeling when the goal was achieved?
Add "something better," ". . . better" or "more" --- often including such words will expand the potential for greater possibilities (beyond your original consideration)
When you visualize the completion of a goal and repeatedly affirm the end result (silently, aloud and written), your subconscious mind will soon automatically do this for you (like someone supportively whispering in your ear). The results of the well-constructed affirmation process can be absolutely amazing. It is a fairly simple and effective way to help achieve one's goals. Yet, very few people consistently implement the use of affirmations, so those who do really have a competitive edge!
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved
Contact David Schaefer of Coaching Confidential to learn more details and methods for making affirmations work for you.
Labels: action-focused, nourish the mind, positive outcome, positive self-talk, subconscious, success-minded thinking, visualization
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