Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Quick Look: Setting and Achieving Goals

No Way Around It ...
You Must Set Your Goals
and Work Them to Achieve Results

After determining what you want to accomplish, with the end result in mind, establish both short and long term goals for your target. Make sure your clearly written goals are worthwhile, achievable, crystal clear, supportive and measurable. Set specific time frames for each goal.

Once you have refined your written goals and created a plan-of-action, find ways to work your plan throughout each day. Consistently remind yourself of your goals and passionately pursue them.
David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Perks of Business Ownership

Millionaires Say Business Ownership
Can Offer Financial Success and Happiness
.If you are contemplating a shot at entrepreneurship or if you are presently struggling with your own business, you may want to see some facts that could possibly inject some motivation to help you persevere with you dreams.

Running your own business. That is how half of all millionaires have made their money, according to a survey by American Express and the Harrison Group. When millionaires were asked a variety of questions about business ownership and the perks they experience, they provided some very interesting insights.

Read more ...

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Accelerate Goals By Visualizing

Yes, you can actually speed up
the achievement process!
The use of visualization is one of the most effective ways to accelerate the achievement of a goal, but it is probably the most under-utilized success tool available.

Unfortunately, most people simply do not take advantage of this powerful technique to advance their desired results. But that can be reversed quickly if one will seriously consider the benefits to be derived from well-formed goals being vividly pictured in the mind.

Read more now ...

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Responsibility in Action = Success

Decisions, Actions and Results
Are Your Responsibility
To experience a purposeful, balanced, and fulfilled life

... it is imperative to accept responsibility for the choices you make. This includes what you think, the beliefs you hold, the decisions you make, the actions you take, and the results you derive from those activities.

There is only one person responsible for the quality of life you live. That person is you. Read more now ...

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

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Feeling Stuck?

If you seem to be stuck,
unable to gain momentum

... to advance toward what you really want to achieve ...

You may be dragging around OLD negative images and disappointments.

Except for learning from those experiences, it is important to let go and allow NEW opportunities a chance to grow and nourish.

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Just How Precious Is Your Time?

It is amazing how we fritter away
as if there's an endless amount
Here's an idea: just take a second to look back. Now think about how fast has time passed since you graduated from high school, learned to ride a bike, experienced your first love, landed your first real job?

Learn to manage your time and value its importance in your life.

Read this recommended article:

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Social Networking is Cool ...

Social Networking is Cool ...
But a Little Caution is Wise


Social Networking is a cool way to share ideas, exchange information, and to market products or services (when done properly).
But, it is wise to institute a little caution when expressing details on any Social site. Remember, whatever you post is then public fodder -- and then you have no control over how your information will be used from then on.
Of course, if all goes well, your illuminating post will positively spread to places that will offer value for all your readers (and you).

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

Friday, April 03, 2009

Yes, Goals! Go back to basics for success

Goals Establish Purpose and the Mindset for Success
See the HOW TO details here: http://tinyurl.com/ct6tvm

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Create Traffic for Online Marketing

8 Ways to Generate Traffic
for Marketing Success
For any Internet business to succeed, generating TRAFFIC is absolutely essential. That is, finding and implementing ways to entice potential buyers to read, see or hear your sales message and then to opt-in for additional information or to purchase. Without generating traffic, it is unlikely anyone will see your message (unless they perhaps stumble upon it).
.If you want to attract customers or clients, you must constantly be instituting competitive methods for creating interest and action from your target market. Your target market is the group you have identified as seriously potential buyers of your product or service.
.Above all, you do not want to simply spend your time, energy, and money advertising to just anyone who will possibly listen --- that is extremely ineffective. When generating traffic, the process needs to include research and discipline when finding your possible buyers and reaching them in a way that is most profitable.
Consider these 8 traffic generating methods:.1. Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, such as Google's AdWords or similar programs by Yahoo or MSN. This method does require a learning curve, so take the time to investigate how this process is successfully implemented. When you do this right, the results can be profitable. But, if you do not do your homework, it can be a very expensive learning process.
.A good place to begin is to study the tutorials provided by Google's AdWords website. Then, you will also be able to find loads of additional training available by doing an online search. There is no end to the ebooks, videos and courses on the topic of PPC advertising.
And, a here's tip: to get your sea legs, you may want to start this advertising method with one of the PPC programs other than Google. It can be a little less expensive.
.2. Learn the science of effective keyword selection. Here, again, the novice will find that there is a bit of learning curve. But, when you do get the hang of researching and picking relevant keywords or phrases, you are likely to attract more targeted prospects. And, when the search engines pick up on your high ranking keywords, your message is likely to be viewed by more people. A pay-per-click ad has a better chance of appearing in the initial search results pages. There are a number of very good keyword search tools.
3. Create an opt-in page where visitors provide their name and email address for further information. The opt-in page may be called a squeeze page, a capture page, an opt-in sales page or a variety of other names. But, the bottom line is that the prospect voluntarily provides their contact information and it is added to your auto-responder mailing list.
.It is this list of prospects and customers that becomes your cherished source for future sales. Prior to obviously promoting a product or service, begin to develop a relationship with newly listed prospects to establish credibility. It is important for people on your list to view you as someone they can trust.
4. Create newsletters and special announcements to send out to your auto-responder list of subscribers. Establish yourself as an “expert” on your particular topic. Give your prospects or customers a reason to do business with you.
If you are communicating effectively with your list, you will generate additional traffic by giving your readers a reason to forward your message or to share details about your particular product, service, or promotion with others.
5. Write articles and press releases. By writing and submitting articles to the article directories, you implement a marketing method for potentially long-term exposure. At the end of the article you ad short informative copy about your product or service with a link to get additional information.
.Submitting a press release about your product or service can create a sense of urgency and value to what you are marketing. The structure of the press release depends on the topic and where it is submitted.
.6. Implement the use of Viral Marketing. This is where you take the opportunity to include your website address and a short promotional blurb to sources that are likely to be shared by others.
With this marketing method, people can become so intrigued with the message or information you provide they feel compelled to pass it along to others. For example, you can attach a creative or informative message or link to various types of media -- such as an article, some variation of gossip or buzz format, a funny video or entertaining game.
.7. Join forums or discussion sites to gain information and to share your knowledge. Research forum websites for your particular topic, observe the communication exchanged on these sites, and eventually contribute value to establish your credibility as an “expert.” As with articles, you can ad a brief blurb about your product or service and include a contact link.
.8. Exchange or trade links with other websites. This can be a great way to build business relationships with owners of other website or blog, and this method is free to inexpensive. Do a search for websites that will compliment the product or service that you offer. Chances are the other website owner will consider this a good move as well.
.By showing each others website links, it brings additional attention to the sites -- and the search engines like to see incoming links. Also, when visitors see your link shown on someone else's site, it may appear to be an implied endorsement.
.The above methods for generating traffic only represent a fraction of the tools you can use to achieve marketing success. However, these 8 traffic generating tools have proven to be well worth your time, effort and expense when properly implemented. More information about these and other methods can easily be found by doing an online search.

David Schaefer is an entrepreneur and writes on the topics of personal development. Follow David's insights at http://twitter.com/davidschaefer

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