Monday, February 19, 2007

List Your Reasons-To-Believe (RTB)

Reasons to Believe (RTB)
To achieve anything you must believe in your pursuit.

If you really want to accomplish a goal, to have something that you want to become a reality, then clearly establish your reasons to believe why this is what you want.

Do this exercise: Make a list of all your Reasons to Believe (RTBs) --- that is, the meaningful reasons why your desire should and will happen. Initially, just jot down all your ideas without regard to tiny details or sentence structure, simply get the thrust of your thinking down on paper. Sometimes this excercise can be done very quickly and other times it may be best to allow your thoughts to evolve over time. This process depends on the subject matter and whether this is a new brainstorm or a dream that has been percolating for some time.

When you feel that you have established your RTBs for pursuing your desired goal, you will have truly begun the foundation for your commitment to achieve your dream. You will realize, "Aha!, so this is why the goal is so important to me."

The next step is to crystallize how you are going to accomplish your pursuit. When setting out to create a plan of action, that's when you can begin refining the step-by-step approach toward achieving your goal. Keep your RTBs clearly in mind, do not get bogged down. Your enthusiasm is paramount, keep moving forward.

For sequential steps in pursuing a goal refer to the November 25, 2006 blog posting (see the "Archives" listing to the right). The main point of this posting is for you to understand the importance of clearly establishing your Reasons to Believe why you want your desired outcome. Once you decide on a goal, be absolutely sure that you know your RTBs --- and always make sure those reasons are your own.

For assistance in structuring your goals, establishing a plan of action, and realizing your dreams, take advantage of the resources found at Coaching Confidenital.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Different Results Require New Thinking

Stop! Wake Up.
Different results
require new thinking.
You cannot expect new or different results if you keep the same old habits of thinking.

New and more successful outcomes begin with your choice of thought. Like most habits, you can change your thinking patterns. This includes what you think about and the best use of your mental energy. Often, we succumb to thinking patterns which don't really serve us much value.

It is easy to become stuck with the same thoughts and beliefs, speaking the same words, and doing the same things over and over. It's like an endless loop -- and such a pattern can stifle creativity, learning, and opportunities for a more interesting and adventurous life.

You can learn to identify your own habits of thought and recognize where, or if, change is needed. But, you must be diligent when making changes, as familiar patterns which are not serving you well are deeply entrenched and new thinking patterns take time to establish. You cannot expect new or different results if you keep the same old habits of thinking!

Perhaps you are in a pattern of over analyzing, maybe to the point of procrastination. Or maybe you have fallen into the habit of thinking in negative terms, rather than positive alternatives. Because you become what you think about most of the time, it is important to consciously change less productive thinking to habits that clearly contribute to attaining your most desired way of living.

Learn to take control, to find solutions, and achieve results. Visit Coaching Confidential and claim your F'REE copy of a very special report that covers this critical subject -- opt-in for Flex the Brain for Gain.

Discover Solutions to Challenges and Aspirations

Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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