Friday, September 28, 2007

Motivation = Preparation and Focus

"Get Motivated, Stay Motivated"

Create The Right Mindset
and Keep Destructive Thinking At Bay

How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated is a challenge everyone struggles with at one time or another. The difference between consistently successful people and those who frequently feel stuck is understanding that productive action and results depend on preparation and focus -- and 99% of that preparation is in the mindset. In other words, to experience positive action, one must first experience positive thoughts (preferably to the point of actually visualizing a successful outcome -- as if it is already attained).
Self-Motivation naturally exists when there is a contrast between what is presently happening in one's life and what one definitely wants to happen, and they are determined to experience the desired result. However, without proper preparation to doggedly move forward, ruinous negative self-talk creeps in and stalling out tends to occur.
The problem is that most people don't prepare a crystal clear vision of what they want to accomplish or how they are going to achieve it. To truly go after a meaningful goal and be motivated, one must set a plan into place that includes practical sequential steps as well as a mindset that supports a positive result.
Let's shift fast-forward to the mindset: To help reduce or eliminate nagging struggle in establishing motivation and keeping self-motivated, it is important to understand that the subconscious mind is infinitely more powerful than the conscious mind. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between a truth and a lie. ==> Digest that thought for a moment, because it is at the heart of achieving the necessary mindset to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated. The repetitive information fed to this powerful part of the mind is what it is going to believe!
If one constantly degrades their actions or self-worth, that is exactly what the subconscious mind will believe -- and it will strongly reinforce that belief. Knowing the impact this part of the mind plays, the better choice is to carefully deliver constructive, postive thoughts. When negative or destructive thinking surfaces, stop it dead in its tracks and immediately replace it with supportive, positive self-talk. Feed the subconscious mind exactly the thoughts and vision desired -- preferably, as if it is presently happening. "I am a successful entrepreneur" is better than "I want to be ..."
Motivation and sustained self-motivation is based in the understanding of just how influential the proper mindset is to successful outcomes. And, there is often an unexpected bonus. With the right mindset and commitment, people and other valuable resources will naturally gravitate to support one's efforts.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved
How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated is a fascinating and powerful topic that, when understood and properly applied, can positively change the course of one's life. Learn more about this subject by visiting Coaching Confidential and taking advantage of a complimentary initial consultation.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Are Your Intentions and Actions Aligned?

Overcome Self-Sabotage

"Are You Sabotaging Your Intended Efforts For Success?"

Successful living, whether personally, in work or in love, ultimately stems from our inner perceptions and the congruence of our actions. If what we want and how we go about accomplishing our goals is INcongruent, then we are likely to experience self-sabotage.

In order for success to be achieved, ones intentions and actions must be in alignment.

Take a moment to see if your desired results are actually being processed effectively, or if you are tripping yourself up along the way.

Ask yourself:
  • Do I truly WANT what I think I want?
  • Do I earnestly BELIEVE that I can achieve my goal?
  • Do I deeply feel that I DESERVE to have what I want?
If you experience nagging doubt about the answer to one or more of the above questions when you've decided to pursue a goal, then you may be a candidate for self-sabotage. So, the question is: how do you overcome the doubts that may cause your intentions to stall out?

Explore your real intentions. Why are you acting on this particular goal? Is it actually your goal or someone else's? Is the goal 100% what you want? Taking the time to consider this fundamental step is very important and can mean the difference between success and disappointment.

Explore your level of belief. In addition to wanting the goal, do you truly believe the goal is achievable? Do you believe down deep this is important enough to you to go after it? Have you thought about the tools and resources you will need for positive action? Can you commit yourself to what is necessary to accomplish the results you want?

Explore your feelings about deserving the outcome. While this may seem strange, if you do not completely feel that you are worthy of a successful outcome, all the time and energy invested simply will not bring the goal to fruition. This type of self-sabotage will definitely result in perplexing disappointment. If you definitely want the goal and believe in it, but have any doubt whether you are worthy of it's success --- figure out why you feel this way. Most likely, when honestly addressed, you can resolve this issue and move forward

It is absolutely wonderful when your intentions and actions are in alignment, and you know that you want a goal, believe in it, and deserve it. But, unless you consciously deal with these basic elements, then it is possible to sabotage your well-intended efforts.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved
Visit Coaching Confidential for a wealth of resources and assistance when approaching and achieving your goals.

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