Saturday, November 25, 2006

You Must Be Proactive to Achieve!

Goals don't just materialize,
you make them happen!

Successful results occur in our personal lives and our careers when we are proactive in achieving our goals. While these goals may be a series of tiny steps or quantum leaps, they do not simply pop out of thin air. When striving to accomplish a meaningful objective, the path is much clearer and easier to pursue when it is well constructed.

The person who has taken the time to learn the process of developing and implementing inspiring and ambitious goals is the one most likely to bask in the success of reaching their objective.

Goals establish purpose and promote the mental attitude to accelerate meaningful and worthwhile objectives in our lives. They lift, motivate and expand our view of what is possible. And, equally important, authentic and concrete tangible goals, backed by commitment and plans to achieve them, keep us moving forward --- even when we are distressed or things seem insurmountable.

A well conceived goal and an enthusiastic attitude to match provide clarity for concentrating on both the mental and physical energy necessary to realize expectations. Without definitive goals, hopes, dreams, and best intentions are only randomly addressed --- which usually leads to "hit or miss" results.

When developing and implementing a goal:
  • Define exactly what is to be accomplished.
  • Understand why the goal is important.
  • Do NOT proceed with a goal which is vague and/or does not inspire action.
  • Establish both short and long term goals.
  • Prioritize multiple goals.
  • Create a clear and specific plan-of-action.
  • Establish clear criteria to measure progress.
  • Use the five senses to embed the goal.
  • Believe the goal is important and achieving it is deserved.
  • Find ways to repeatedly and frequently bring the goal to mind.
  • Ask for help.
  • Revisit the written goal periodically for possible revision.
  • Achieve the goal, celebrate, and set a new goal!

To learn more about developing and implementing your goals, contact David Schaefer.

Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Accelerate with 9 Success Boosters

you can use today!

All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.
- James Allen
- -
When you take control and use your mental faculties to their best advantage, you discover significant ways to improve your path toward achievement.
Take the first step right now and secure your F'REE copy of an important new Special Report. Flex the Brain for Gain: 9 SUCCESS BOOSTERS you can use today! will definitely advance the attainment of your goals.
Find out now what Successful People already know!
Click here and securely opt-in for your copy of this very special report.

Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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Learn to Exercise Your Brain

Flex the Brain for Gain

This special report will spark
the thought processes
to achieve the success you envision.

"The ability of the human brain is absolutely amazing; and when nurtured, it can serve us beyond our wildest imaginations. It has an unlimited capacity to learn, and 'flexing' this gray matter is among the healthiest ways to gain clarity of thought, achievement, and longevity of life. The benefits of exercising the brain are enormous."

There are a variety of approaches to stimulate brain-enhancing activity. Included among them are problem solving exercises and specially designed computer software programs. And then there is the approach which also advances one's personal and career goals.

Success can be measured on many different levels and achieving it is a never-ending process that runs through all areas of our lives. But, when you take action to apply the insights and technques revealed in the Flex the Brain for Gain special report, you will achieve a clearer understanding of the results you want and how to achieve them. Your perceptions and thinking patterns will find greater clarity and your brain's performance and general well-being will vastly improve.

To secure your F'REE copy of Flex the Brain for Gain: 9 SUCCESS BOOSTERS you can use today!, simply click here.
Discover Solutions to Challenges and Aspirations
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Access to 450 Inspirational Quotes Now

450 Inspirational Quotes from Great Minds

"Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind."
-- Rudyard Kipling

It is absolutely amazing how one's perspective and personal motivation can be transformed when absorbing the captured thoughts of great minds.

Like hearing a particular piece of music, just the right words at the right time, can catapult the mind to revitalize thinking and replenish the spirit. Having access to the insights and wisdom of others can often provide subtle, if not dramatic, positive guidance when it counts the most.

Coaching Confidential invites you to be transformed into the world of GREAT MINDS, renewed thinking, and realized dreams. Easily select from among 450 outstanding quotations and experience the inspiration for your next great decision.
Go to to access the Inspirational Quotes from Great Minds.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved
While visiting Coaching Confidential, be sure to request your copy of the NEW Special Report Flex the Brain for Gain: 9 SUCCESS BOOSTERS you can use today! This report is absolutely F'REE.

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