Wednesday, June 21, 2006

How Do You Make Life Choices?

Go Deeper than the Tip of the Iceberg

To truly understand and appreciate your challenges and your dreams, you must see beneath what only shows on the surface.

The greatest part of who we are and what our potential offers us is not always evident. You must go deeper, below the surface, to discover your true feelings, desires, and capabilities. Like an iceberg, the greatest part of who you are and what you have to offer does not readily reveal itself unless you choose to look deeper within.

So often, we make choices with a fraction of the information we have available to us. Such choices become the basis of future decisions, and we may later find that we failed to adequately consider the depth of our true abilities and options. This can lead to a very unfortunate predicament that is often not easily fixed.

When faced with challenges or when deciding to pursue a goal, it is the wise choice to thoroughly consider as many factors as possible before taking action --- especially when future decisions, and results, will be based on the action you take. As in this iceberg metaphor, it is important to realize that what you readily see when making choices is usually only the tip of the iceberg. Go deeper, below the surface, to capture all the information that is available to you when making important choices.

Understand that your choices drive your actions, and your actions drive your results!

For more indepth information visit:
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

Photo composite by Ralph Clevenger

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Goals Provide Momentum Against Odds

Why Setting Goals is Imperative
Condensed from The Mind Accelerator, Technology for the Brain
Copyright by Taylor Andrew Wilson

Goals charge us with desire and work to push us outside our comfort zones, causing us to challenge ourselves and expand. They give us the momentum to advance even when things are distressing or seemingly insurmountable.

The individual with strong goals and a clear image of desire causes these elements, through repetition, to become deeply embedded with his or her subconscious mind and is therefore enabled, due to the mind's generative and sustaining power, to attain his/her goals in the least amount of time and with the least amount of physical exertion.

They (strong, clear goals) accelerate our subconscious activity, harnessing its powers of achievement, causing us to unconsciously zero in on our target 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Little by little you achieve actualization, as all your abilities and mental powers become engaged to that end.

It is shocking, but in North America today:
  • Only 5% of the population has formed goals for their future.
  • Only 1% have actually taken the effort to write their goals down.
  • Nearly 95% of the people in our society do not have clear, concise, written goals.
  • The average person spends more time planning their vacation than planning their lives.
Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship without a rudder, sometimes drifting aimlessly and sometimes going full steam ahead in random directions. Those without purpose accomplish very little over a lifetime. They tend to be very busy, always moving, going, spending, doing. They confuse busyness with accomplishment --- busy people, with no goals or direction, only accomplish busyness.

Goals can only be achieved once they're conceived. If you haven't created your goals, then you're taking action in random areas of existence and completing random tasks, not accomplishing and advancing your potential.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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