Sunday, December 17, 2006

Take Control of Your Mind and Life Now

Success-Minded Thinking
Usually Requires Change

To achieve "success-minded" thinking there is a major challenge worth overcoming.

As children, we start out with innocence, a sense of invincibility, and the natural ability to imagine exciting possibilities. Then, as we grow and enter society we are increasingly surrounded by people bombarding us with limiting beliefs and images.

Little by little our belief that anything is possible is often whittled away. Some people are fortunate enough to slip through the deluge of the "can't - don't - no way" mentality.

However, most of us, as we grow into adulthood, find a time in our lives when we must choose between being inundated by self-defeating patterns or to take control and consciously decide to reverse the damage. -Optimally, the choice is to participate in successful ways to nourish the mind and reach for imaginative and ambitious goals.

Consider this exercise: Make a list of all the things you believed in before you were told they were impossible. Is it time to bring some of your dreams or creative ideas back to the surface? How will you attack, nourish, and pursue your imaginative possibilites now?

For constructive help to accelerate your Success-Minded thinking, visit the website dedicated to your personal and career success. -Take advantage of F'REE Self-Assessments and loads of supportive resources.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Are You Taking Responsibility for Success?

Accept 100% Responsibility
for Your Decisions, Actions, and Results
" To decide, to be at the level of choice, is to take responsibility for your life and to be in control of your life." - Abbie M. Dale

To experience a purposeful, balanced, and fulfilled life, it is imperative to accept 100% responsibility for the choices you make. This includes what you think, the beliefs you hold, the decisions you make, the actions you take, and the results you derive from those activities.

There is only one person responsible for the quality of the life you live -- that person is YOU.

"The world rewards those who take responsibility for their success."
- Curt Gerrish

When things turn sour and you blame others for your downfall, that's a dead end road. However, if you have accepted responsibility for your actions and their results, and events do not succeed as you had planned, you then have the opportunity to learn from your trials and errors. Thus, you are ahead of the game when you try again. And, you will be determined to try again -- your resolve will be even stronger.

By accepting full responsibility for your decisions, actions, and results, your approach going into any endeavor is optimized for the potential of a more positive outcome. And, when the outcome is successful, you have the privilege to reap all the well-deserved benefits.
To learn more about this subject and 8 other related topics, visit Coaching Confidenital and request your F'REE copy of Flex the Brain for Gain: 9 SUCCESS BOOSTERS you can use today! See pages 2, 4, and 5 for the topic of accepting responsibility.
Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright -- all rights reserved

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