Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A Snapshot for S.M.A.R.T. Goals
. . . Implement a clear and organized goal setting process

S = Specific. The more specific your goal, the better. General or vague goals really don't work. Always nail down who, what, where, when, which, and why. Write down, verbalize, and concentrate on your goals.

M = Measurable. Set clear criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of your goals. This is how you can determine your progress and when you have arrived.

A = Attainable. Set goals that you can reach when you set your mind to it. With each subsequent goal, stretch yourself even further to reach greater achievements. And, with each success you will believe in bigger accomplishments.

R= Realistic. If you truly believe that you can accomplish a goal, then it is most likely realistic. The goal must represent an objective that you are both willing and able to work toward. Although realistic, aim high and stretch.

T = Tangible. Think taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound. When your senses are used, the goal becomes real to the subconscious mind. Attach tangible ways to reach your intangible goals (personal and behavioral changes).

Inspiration Dynamics LLC, Copyright - all rights reserved

Ask yourself this question:
"If I don't know where I am going, how will I know when I get there?"

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Did you know that there is an
"Attention Center" in the brain?

Find out about RAS and why goal setting works
Contributed by Jim Henion

Email David@CoachingConfidential.com to learn more

Why does the simple process of writing out goals and visualizing their accomplishment work? Although there are many theories about this, one is related to what is called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It is an integral part of every persons brain and motivation process.

The RAS is the attention center in the brain. It is the key to "turning on the subconscious capabilities of the creative mind." Many believe it to be the center of motivation. This system determines what we pay attention to. In other words, it is the part of the brain where the world "outside" of you and your "inside" world of thoughts and feelings come together and meet.

Goal setting is the process of telling your RAS what is important to you, so that it lets in information that is important to the achievement of a particular goal.


See this article in its entirety - Just click here: http://www.CoachingConfidential.com/articles/whygoalsetting.pdf

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Are You Moving Toward Your Goal
or Away From It?

Here are 10 Tips to help you create and maintain positive
momentum towards
what really matters to you.
Contributed by Coach Cheryl Vallejos

1. Take some time to clarify your desired future outcome.
2. Use visual reminders of your intention.
3. Set clear goals with clear timelines.
4. Be action-oriented.
5. Ask yourself, “How much and what kind of fun will I have with this project?”
6. Fill your mind with inspiration
7. Take a “Risk-a-Day.”
8. Create a support team.
9. Consistently review your top 3 intentions.
10. Clarify how your intention also helps others.


See this article in its entirety - Just click here: http://www.CoachingConfidential.com/articles/10tips.pdf

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Coaching for Personal Growth & Professional Development
Learning how to Take Control, Find Solutions, and Achieve Results
